Oh Hey 👋🏻

I wear a lot of hats!

🧢 Head of Engineering for Agent Pronto

🧢 Cyclist & E-bike converter / consultant

🧢 Exclusively non-professional photographer

🧢 Voracious reader, writer, and journaler

🧢 Deep worker and digital minimalist

🧢 Audio engineer and consultant

🧢 and husband to Kalika ☺️

Here’s the longer version…

Right now I’m probably…

Developing Useful Things…

Currently serving as Head of Engineering for Agent Pronto but truly a developer and tinkerer at heart! I’m deeply involved in the Rails world and community, give conference talks semi-regularly, and write about development frequently. I love what I do on a day-to-day basis and love building huge things with small teams. Software is a blast, coding is fun, and building custom stuff for loving users is a joy. Keep it simple!

…or riding bikes

I can be a bit of a cycling fanatic. Often called ‘Clyde’ by my close friends, I am indeed a Clydesdale Cyclist and have written about cycling often. I try to ride at least a thousand miles a year — either electric-commuting or road-cycling — and try to get involved with charity rides when I can. Otherwise, catch me at RAGBRAI! 🌽 I’ve got a few bikes in the stable these days…

  • Trek Madone 4.5 (currently setup as one-by)
  • Yuba Mundo (Electric Conversion BBSHD)
  • Surly Ogre (Electric Conversion BBSHD)
…or taking pictures

I love capturing moments from my life and sharing them on my photo feed (see “Pics” above)! It’s not something I ever want to pursue professionally or with any monetary incentive, but I love and cherish the purity behind capturing moments with people we love and sharing those moments freely. I’m not a ‘photographer’, I just love taking pictures ☺️

…or playing music

I’m a musician and have been all my life. I’ve been playing drums off and on since I was about five or six, electric and acoustic guitar since 2013, and have been singing since I was a young child. I typically play in the lands of country, gospel, blues, pop, rock, and CCM, but am always open to learning new things and rockin’ with new people. 100% Kemper for me! You’ll almost always find me playing a Taylor or PRS 😏

You can also find me playing Sunday mornings with Faith Life Church or occasionally elsewhere with Beyond Wildwood.

…or mixing shows

I’m also a professional audio tech / audio engineer. While working on my Computer Science degree in school I was the director of a mid-size sound company in East-Central Ohio. I’ve built a number of audio rigs from the ground up and have been the head engineer for a number of large shows including T-Pain and Aaron Carter. These days I operate as an audio consultant for a number of churches, colleges, and other organizations throughout the Columbus metro area.

…or traveling

I love traveling, especially if it means road-tripping, biking, or walking. Cycling has been a great means to drive all over the midwest for events but there’s just something so cool about getting around a culture that isn’t your own… and I think driving through corn fields is peaceful 🌽. Having grown up in Santa Cruz, CA, gone to school in Granville, OH, and spent a couple years in Des Moines, IA, I’ve gotten to see first hand how wonderful people are if you give them a chance. Kalika and I love to travel often, often opting to spend a month somewhere while I work remotely!

Travel Buddies

…or enjoying marriage

I’m blessed to have found the partner I always prayed for, Kalika. Luckily we share a number of passions and she puts up with all of my hobbies and shenanigans (and those nights when my brain is background-processing dev concepts). This life just wouldn’t be the same without her. ☺️

Get in touch!

I've been focusing on asynchronous, intentional communication lately to motivate 'Deep Work' (see this post) so this is indeed one of the very few ways you can contact me!

That said, I'm always interested in chatting! Especially if you want to chat about code, development, workflows and process methodologies, bikes, cycling, adventuring, photography, traveling, driving, playing music, how things are built, sound, audio, physics, biology, beer, psychology, or anything else that can be nerdy. 😁

  • Columbus, Ohio USA