Words Written
Using Typora as a custom Buttondown front-end
A special guest-post for Buttondown's blog all about Typora and some custom goodness
Building the Perfect e-Bike
The story of how I designed, built, and finished the perfect electric bike (for me)!
The Liberal Arts as a Successful Software Engineer: Is It Worth It?
A reflection on how a liberal arts education shaped my career as a software engineer—balancing theory, communication, and lifelong learning.
When a church implodes
Processing betrayal, grief, and the wreckage left behind
A Few Goals For My Next Decade
Some things that have been on my mind as I approach my 30s.
The Medium is the Message?
An exploration of what it means to move from Facebook to Email
...Nope, Facebook still isn't it. (One year later)
After a year of Facebook... maybe it's not the move.
Guide to Twilio + OpenAI Realtime on Rails (Without Anycable)
How to add OpenAI Realtime to your Rails app so that you can do AI phone calls via Twilio!
The Samsung Frame: Best When Scripted
A quick rundown of how I setup my Samsung Frame to display photography much easier than usual
Simple Table-of-Contents Highlighting Stimulus Controller
Sharing a bit of code to highlight some links!
I Really, Really Enjoy Typora
Ruminating on the joys of a fantastic writing companion
Beating Facebook: Digital Minimalism in Practice
How I've defeated the Facebook addiction monster
Turbo Morphing in Practice
How two lines of code made everything smooth
The Art of Sentences
Gary Provost's enduring wisdom
Simple Comments for Rails Sites
A simple, AI-driven solution for adding comments to your Rails site
A Fresh Look — A New Site
My 2024 redesign
Quick Tip: Apple Watch Step Counter / Pedometer
How to setup your Apple Watch to tell you how many steps you've taken today.
On Body Weight: My Story
A reflection and new plan for a long-term struggle
…back to Facebook (!?)
After years of digital minimalism and no social media, I'm giving Facebook another look...
Sully's BBSHD Programming (for people that like pedaling)
How to program a Bafang BBSHD to ride WITH the motor!
Browser-Based Calling with Twilio and Hotwire: A Novel Approach
Javascript tooling in a Hotwired world!
Turbo 8 Page Refreshes (+ Morphing) Explained at Length
Everything you ever wanted to know about Turbo 8's Page Refreshes, Morphing, and its design style
Iteration to Remove Friction
Making easier paths for things to happen
The BBSHD is the Best: Mid Drive
How the Bafang BBSHD's mid-drive nature beats others
The BBSHD is the Best: Power Capacity
How the Bafang BBSHD brings the highest power capacity around!
The BBSHD is the Best: Value per Dollar
How the Bafang BBSHD beats every competitor in value and price!
The Bafang BBSHD is the Best: Intro
Why the Bafang BBSHD is the single best electric bike platform available, still.
E-Bikes: Cadence-Sensing Motors vs. Torque-Sensing Motors
Different sensors for different types of rides!
On Offensive Books
And the honorable audience granted in solitude
Automatic Image Upload With Buttondown + Typora
Easy Cloud-Image Support in Typora
Back to the iPhone: The Luddite iPhone
Cautiously picking up the old addiction-machine and putting guard-rails on it quick!
Avoiding the In-Between
Just some thoughts on how we get away from doing the things we want to
Pay Off The House!
My take on "pay the house vs. invest the money"
My Morning Routine, Explained
A rundown of how I operate my mornings
Diet as a Primer for Making the 'Right Choice'
Exercising our 'hard choice' muscle via food selections
Digital Minimalism Follow-Up Pt. 2
The continual search and exploration for peace, productivity, and accomplishment
Procrastination Illustrated
Drawing up a unique visualization for how procrastination impacts the might and heart
The Studio Lives!
Back to a proper desktop machine
We've Decided to Stop Traveling Full-Time
Looking forward to settling down 🙂
A Generic 'Image' Wrapper for Active Storage in Rails 7
Staying DRY while storing descriptions in a not-model-specific way
A collection of thoughts not long enough for a blog post of their own 🙂
Just a bunch of random thoughts that I've collected over the year
Rails Credentials can be Confusing
Some conventions to follow
My Journey With the Fujifilm X100V
Loving the art and moment of taking pictures
We Bought Our First Home!
Travel Life is changing shapes!
Where I Post Pictures 📸
Keeping up with the imagery of travel-life
We're Hitting the Road!
Kalika and I are leaving Columbus... for a while!
Apple Watch > Business Cards
Connect with folks easily and quickly the modern way
Own Your Data
Choose your platform wisely
Leaving 'Bougie' — Learning to Love The Base Model
Finding the magic in new places
New Gear Day 😁
Just another S(tr)aturday
Jon's Velvia (X100V Film Simulation)
FXW's Rockwell Velvia with tweaks!
Life Update July 2021
Just a little update on things 🙂
Going Deep: Follow-Up Pt. 1
5-6 months in, how's the journey been?
I Got A Camera!
Let's see where this goes...
On Taking Pictures and Social Media
Fighting a two-edged sword
Rails Wizards Pt. 9
Live examples
Rails Wizards Pt. 8
Did we do the thing?
Rails Wizards Pt. 7
Other Modifications / Options
Rails Wizards Pt. 6
Routing and Controllers
Rails Wizards Pt. 5
Routing and Controllers
Rails Wizards Pt. 4
Model Validations
Rails Wizards Pt. 3
Choose Your URL Strategy
Rails Wizards Pt. 2
Choose Your Data Persistence
Rails Wizards Pt. 1
What's a wizard and Why are We Here?
Trailing Slashes and Gatsby
The Ins and Outs of How Gatsby Does Slashes
Tool Highlights: Typora
An app that allows Markdown to be my primary writing syntax
Comparing JAMstack and Rails
Two different tools for two different jobs
On Default Scopes in Rails
They're not always bad. Just.. usually. :)
Are 'New' and 'Edit' RESTful? (Rails)
But they come out-of-the-box!? Rails is RESTful!
Everyone Forgets DNS TTL.
Truly one trick to end DNS-change pain!
LinkedIn. Never again.
I'm out.
I Got Married!
Starting a life-long journey together :)
Configuring Environment Variables for All Netlify Environments
Correctly setup ENV vars for local, deploy-preview, branch-deploy, and production
Trailing Slashes on Netlify
The descriptive guide, with particular instructions for Gatsby, Next.js, and other PWAs
Dishwasher Revelation
My life has been changed
Announcing React-Netlify-Identity-Gotrue!
Bringing ALL of the Netlify Identity features to React / Gatsby / Next
Going Deep
Here's to building great things
A Very JAMstacky URL Shortener / Redirector
Just a fun side project I built a few weeks ago
Growth Continuum
Keeping myself organized over years of personal growth
A Primer on Netlify Forms Pt. 2
Netlify Forms. Let's get deep. Again.
A Primer on Netlify Forms Pt. 1
Netlify Forms. Let's get deep.
Contact Sharing Over The Web
A quick and easy way to connect with new friends
Demystifying The Modern Web, Vol. 1 - URLs Are Everything
Breaking down a URL into its clever little bits
Ride Rundown: The Columbus Loop (+Hard Road)
First long ride of 2020 🤘🏻
Ride Rundown: Opening the Road Season Early
#ride2020 Opens up with a bang!
Representing Family
...a singular place and domain for my family
A New Guitar Joins The Family
...and that's when I saw it... the Starfire IV
The Tank Has Arrived
Ride. Anywhere. ⛰️
I Switched To Plain Text Emails Only. You Should Too.
I recently changed my email client (macOS Mail) to operate exclusively in plain text for all new mail compositions and replies. It’s super easy to do in Mail on macOS- check it out
Ode to SuperClydesdale (.com)
If you're a heavier cyclist and/or you just want to have a good laugh, this site has some real humor and insight pocketed away on it...
Nothing like a few thousand riders coming out of the morning-dew of corn fields before 7am 🙂...
A Foods List
Some foods we like
The Story Behind The Picture vol.1
There's something special about Columbus at night. I took this picture at 7:01pm on December 1st, 2018..
asdf. A Developer's Best Friend
Who needs this tool? Everyone. That was easy!...