Words Written

Using Typora as a custom Buttondown front-end

A special guest-post for Buttondown's blog all about Typora and some custom goodness

Jon Sully  •   •  11 Minutes

Building the Perfect e-Bike

The story of how I designed, built, and finished the perfect electric bike (for me)!

Jon Sully  •   •  10 Minutes

The Liberal Arts as a Successful Software Engineer: Is It Worth It?

A reflection on how a liberal arts education shaped my career as a software engineer—balancing theory, communication, and lifelong learning.

Jon Sully  •   •  12 Minutes

When a church implodes

Processing betrayal, grief, and the wreckage left behind

Jon Sully  •   •  7 Minutes

A Few Goals For My Next Decade

Some things that have been on my mind as I approach my 30s.

Jon Sully  •   •  6 Minutes

The Medium is the Message?

An exploration of what it means to move from Facebook to Email

Jon Sully  •   •  7 Minutes

...Nope, Facebook still isn't it. (One year later)

After a year of Facebook... maybe it's not the move.

Jon Sully  •   •  8 Minutes

Guide to Twilio + OpenAI Realtime on Rails (Without Anycable)

How to add OpenAI Realtime to your Rails app so that you can do AI phone calls via Twilio!

Jon Sully  •   •  26 Minutes

The Samsung Frame: Best When Scripted

A quick rundown of how I setup my Samsung Frame to display photography much easier than usual

Jon Sully  •   •  3 Minutes

Simple Table-of-Contents Highlighting Stimulus Controller

Sharing a bit of code to highlight some links!

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

I Really, Really Enjoy Typora

Ruminating on the joys of a fantastic writing companion

Jon Sully  •   •  8 Minutes

Beating Facebook: Digital Minimalism in Practice

How I've defeated the Facebook addiction monster

Jon Sully  •   •  7 Minutes

Turbo Morphing in Practice

How two lines of code made everything smooth

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

The Art of Sentences

Gary Provost's enduring wisdom

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

Simple Comments for Rails Sites

A simple, AI-driven solution for adding comments to your Rails site

Jon Sully  •   •  12 Minutes

A Fresh Look — A New Site

My 2024 redesign

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

Quick Tip: Apple Watch Step Counter / Pedometer

How to setup your Apple Watch to tell you how many steps you've taken today.

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

On Body Weight: My Story

A reflection and new plan for a long-term struggle

Jon Sully  •   •  16 Minutes

…back to Facebook (!?)

After years of digital minimalism and no social media, I'm giving Facebook another look...

Jon Sully  •   •  7 Minutes

Sully's BBSHD Programming (for people that like pedaling)

How to program a Bafang BBSHD to ride WITH the motor!

Jon Sully  •   •  15 Minutes

Browser-Based Calling with Twilio and Hotwire: A Novel Approach

Javascript tooling in a Hotwired world!

Jon Sully  •   •  13 Minutes

Turbo 8 Page Refreshes (+ Morphing) Explained at Length

Everything you ever wanted to know about Turbo 8's Page Refreshes, Morphing, and its design style

Jon Sully  •   •  18 Minutes

Iteration to Remove Friction

Making easier paths for things to happen

Jon Sully  •   •  4 Minutes

The BBSHD is the Best: Mid Drive

How the Bafang BBSHD's mid-drive nature beats others

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

The BBSHD is the Best: Power Capacity

How the Bafang BBSHD brings the highest power capacity around!

Jon Sully  •   •  4 Minutes

The BBSHD is the Best: Value per Dollar

How the Bafang BBSHD beats every competitor in value and price!

Jon Sully  •   •  3 Minutes

The Bafang BBSHD is the Best: Intro

Why the Bafang BBSHD is the single best electric bike platform available, still.

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

E-Bikes: Cadence-Sensing Motors vs. Torque-Sensing Motors

Different sensors for different types of rides!

Jon Sully  •   •  4 Minutes

On Offensive Books

And the honorable audience granted in solitude

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

Automatic Image Upload With Buttondown + Typora

Easy Cloud-Image Support in Typora

Jon Sully  •   •  4 Minutes

Back to the iPhone: The Luddite iPhone

Cautiously picking up the old addiction-machine and putting guard-rails on it quick!

Jon Sully  •   •  13 Minutes

Avoiding the In-Between

Just some thoughts on how we get away from doing the things we want to

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

Pay Off The House!

My take on "pay the house vs. invest the money"

Jon Sully  •   •  5 Minutes

My Morning Routine, Explained

A rundown of how I operate my mornings

Jon Sully  •   •  9 Minutes

Diet as a Primer for Making the 'Right Choice'

Exercising our 'hard choice' muscle via food selections

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

Digital Minimalism Follow-Up Pt. 2

The continual search and exploration for peace, productivity, and accomplishment

Jon Sully  •   •  11 Minutes

Procrastination Illustrated

Drawing up a unique visualization for how procrastination impacts the might and heart

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

The Studio Lives!

Back to a proper desktop machine

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

We've Decided to Stop Traveling Full-Time

Looking forward to settling down 🙂

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

A Generic 'Image' Wrapper for Active Storage in Rails 7

Staying DRY while storing descriptions in a not-model-specific way

Jon Sully  •   •  6 Minutes

A collection of thoughts not long enough for a blog post of their own 🙂

Just a bunch of random thoughts that I've collected over the year

Jon Sully  •   •  5 Minutes

Rails Credentials can be Confusing

Some conventions to follow

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

My Journey With the Fujifilm X100V

Loving the art and moment of taking pictures

Jon Sully  •   •  7 Minutes

We Bought Our First Home!

Travel Life is changing shapes!

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

Where I Post Pictures 📸

Keeping up with the imagery of travel-life

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

We're Hitting the Road!

Kalika and I are leaving Columbus... for a while!

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

Apple Watch > Business Cards

Connect with folks easily and quickly the modern way

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

Own Your Data

Choose your platform wisely

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

Leaving 'Bougie' — Learning to Love The Base Model

Finding the magic in new places

Jon Sully  •   •  10 Minutes

New Gear Day 😁

Just another S(tr)aturday

Jon Sully  •   •  0 Minutes

Jon's Velvia (X100V Film Simulation)

FXW's Rockwell Velvia with tweaks!

Jon Sully  •   •  4 Minutes

Life Update July 2021

Just a little update on things 🙂

Jon Sully  •   •  5 Minutes

Going Deep: Follow-Up Pt. 1

5-6 months in, how's the journey been?

Jon Sully  •   •  13 Minutes

I Got A Camera!

Let's see where this goes...

Jon Sully  •   •  0 Minutes

On Taking Pictures and Social Media

Fighting a two-edged sword

Jon Sully  •   •  3 Minutes

Rails Wizards Pt. 9

Live examples

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

Rails Wizards Pt. 8

Did we do the thing?

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

Rails Wizards Pt. 7

Other Modifications / Options

Jon Sully  •   •  4 Minutes

Rails Wizards Pt. 6

Routing and Controllers

Jon Sully  •   •  6 Minutes

Rails Wizards Pt. 5

Routing and Controllers

Jon Sully  •   •  17 Minutes

Rails Wizards Pt. 4

Model Validations

Jon Sully  •   •  5 Minutes

Rails Wizards Pt. 3

Choose Your URL Strategy

Jon Sully  •   •  7 Minutes

Rails Wizards Pt. 2

Choose Your Data Persistence

Jon Sully  •   •  12 Minutes

Rails Wizards Pt. 1

What's a wizard and Why are We Here?

Jon Sully  •   •  7 Minutes

Trailing Slashes and Gatsby

The Ins and Outs of How Gatsby Does Slashes

Jon Sully  •   •  13 Minutes

Tool Highlights: Typora

An app that allows Markdown to be my primary writing syntax

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

Comparing JAMstack and Rails

Two different tools for two different jobs

Jon Sully  •   •  7 Minutes

On Default Scopes in Rails

They're not always bad. Just.. usually. :)

Jon Sully  •   •  3 Minutes

Are 'New' and 'Edit' RESTful? (Rails)

But they come out-of-the-box!? Rails is RESTful!

Jon Sully  •   •  8 Minutes

Everyone Forgets DNS TTL.

Truly one trick to end DNS-change pain!

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

LinkedIn. Never again.

I'm out.

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

I Got Married!

Starting a life-long journey together :)

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

Configuring Environment Variables for All Netlify Environments

Correctly setup ENV vars for local, deploy-preview, branch-deploy, and production

Jon Sully  •   •  8 Minutes

Trailing Slashes on Netlify

The descriptive guide, with particular instructions for Gatsby, Next.js, and other PWAs

Jon Sully  •   •  7 Minutes

Dishwasher Revelation

My life has been changed

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

Announcing React-Netlify-Identity-Gotrue!

Bringing ALL of the Netlify Identity features to React / Gatsby / Next

Jon Sully  •   •  4 Minutes

Going Deep

Here's to building great things

Jon Sully  •   •  3 Minutes

A Very JAMstacky URL Shortener / Redirector

Just a fun side project I built a few weeks ago

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

Growth Continuum

Keeping myself organized over years of personal growth

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

A Primer on Netlify Forms Pt. 2

Netlify Forms. Let's get deep. Again.

Jon Sully  •   •  5 Minutes

A Primer on Netlify Forms Pt. 1

Netlify Forms. Let's get deep.

Jon Sully  •   •  4 Minutes

Contact Sharing Over The Web

A quick and easy way to connect with new friends

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

Demystifying The Modern Web, Vol. 1 - URLs Are Everything

Breaking down a URL into its clever little bits

Jon Sully  •   •  5 Minutes

Ride Rundown: The Columbus Loop (+Hard Road)

First long ride of 2020 🤘🏻

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

Ride Rundown: Opening the Road Season Early

#ride2020 Opens up with a bang!

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

Representing Family

...a singular place and domain for my family

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

A New Guitar Joins The Family

...and that's when I saw it... the Starfire IV

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

The Tank Has Arrived

Ride. Anywhere. ⛰️

Jon Sully  •   •  2 Minutes

I Switched To Plain Text Emails Only. You Should Too.

I recently changed my email client (macOS Mail) to operate exclusively in plain text for all new mail compositions and replies. It’s super easy to do in Mail on macOS- check it out

Jon Sully  •   •  6 Minutes

Ode to SuperClydesdale (.com)

If you're a heavier cyclist and/or you just want to have a good laugh, this site has some real humor and insight pocketed away on it...

Jon Sully  •   •  8 Minutes


Nothing like a few thousand riders coming out of the morning-dew of corn fields before 7am 🙂...

Jon Sully  •   •  4 Minutes

A Foods List

Some foods we like

Jon Sully  •   •  3 Minutes

The Story Behind The Picture vol.1

There's something special about Columbus at night. I took this picture at 7:01pm on December 1st, 2018..

Jon Sully  •   •  1 Minute

asdf. A Developer's Best Friend

Who needs this tool? Everyone. That was easy!...

Jon Sully  •   •  4 Minutes