Contact Sharing Over The Web
Jon Sully
1 Minute
A quick and easy way to connect with new friends
Being able to quickly connect with someone digitally after meeting them in person is important. The number of relationships that fall through due to lack of follow-up is huge! Buuuut business cards are a little out of date too (IMO). Here’s a cool way to leverage some technical knowhow and make an awesome contact-sharing button that works especially well on mobile.
Step One: Generate a .vcf
Using any contacts app (or even a webapp), make a new contact for yourself then export it. You should get a .vcf
file - also known as a “Virtual Contact File” or “Virtual Card File” depending on who you ask. The contents are just plain text. If you open it in a text editor, it should look something like this:
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iPhone OS 13.4.1//EN N:Doe;John;;; FN:John Doe ORG:Test; TEL;type=HOME;type=VOICE;type=pref:1112223333 item1.URL;type=pref: item1.X-ABLabel:_$!<HomePage>!$_ END:VCARD
but may be longer depending the number of fields you added and/or if you included an image.
Step Two: Link It Up!
It’s as easy as linking to the file from your website.
<a class="btn" href="./john-doe.vcf" download>Add to Contacts</a>
Try it: Add to Contacts
Awww yisss. The phone experience is particularly awesome. Try it out for yourself on your site! Make a fun QR code or NFC tag that can help people reach your landing page quickly. See what you come up with 🙂