The Samsung Frame: Best When Scripted

Jon Sully

3 Minutes

A quick rundown of how I setup my Samsung Frame to display photography much easier than usual


Just a note at the outset: this entire premise relies 100% on the work that Nick Waterton put together in the free, open-source project (fork) samsung-tv-ws-api, a Python library that essentially wraps all the Frame endpoints up into easy, accessible Python methods.

Let me be frank with you; if you have the cash flow to purchase a Samsung Frame (a frivolously expensive and niche product) and use the code in this blog post or Nick’s library in general, please consider sending him $50 for his work. This would not be possible without his efforts and it’s in all of our best interests that Nick continues to support these kinds of neat projects.

Nick’s PayPal link for donations:


I’ll keep it short! I’m a hobby photographer. I take lots of pictures and, every now and then, one turns out pretty nice! I bought the Samsung Frame to display my photography on its beautiful matte screen with its real-to-life “art mode” feature.

Uploading your own images to the Samsung Frame via either the TV itself (USB import) or via the phone app is dreadful. Slow, painful, often failing, and a total disaster to do 10 times, much less 1300.

Uploading Images

Here’s the script I used to do the actual image uploading. It goes without saying that you’ll need Python installed on your machine and a virtual environment setup with the samsung-tv-ws-api dependency installed. If you don’t know what that means or how to set that up, ChatGPT can walk you through it!


This script doesn’t do anything for resizing images or resolution or anything. I use Adobe Lightroom for all of my image management and have an export preset that sizes them correctly, so I already know that all of the images in my output directory are 3840 pixels on the long edge. You might need something else in your workflow. ChatGPT can help you add image resizing directly to this script, if you’d like. That’s something Python can definitely do.

Here’s the goods:


import os
import time
from samsungtvws import SamsungTVWS

IMAGE_DIRECTORY = "/Users/jon/Pictures/Lightroom Exports/Frame Exports"

# MATTE TYPES (not all matte types work for all images)
# 'none' 'modernthin' 'modern' 'modernwide' 'flexible' 'shadowbox' 'panoramic' 'triptych' 'mix' 'squares'

# 'black' 'neutral' 'antique' 'warm' 'polar' 'sand' 'seafoam' 'sage' 'burgandy' 'navy' 'apricot' 'byzantine' 'lavender' 'redorange' 'skyblue' 'turquoise'
# (Jon) I tend to prefer 'warm' or 'apricot'

def upload_image(image_path):
      # Connect to the TV
      tv = SamsungTVWS(host="")
      art =

      # Read the image
      with open(image_path, "rb") as f:
          image_data =

      print(f"Now Uploading {image_path}...")
      # Upload the image
      # Sending both `matte` and `portrait_matte` since the image may be landscape or portrait!
      response = art.upload(
      print(f"Uploaded {image_path}: {response}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error uploading {image_path}: {e}")

def upload_images_in_directory(directory):
    # List all .jpg files and sort them alphabetically (so the list on the Frame is in the same order as the list on my machine)
    files = sorted(
        [filename for filename in os.listdir(directory) if filename.lower().endswith(".jpg")]

    # Loop through sorted filenames
    for filename in files:
        full_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
        # Sleep 2 seconds to let the Frame TV process the image; I found this helps a lot when uploading >25 in sequence

# Call the function to upload all images

Hopefully all the comments there help make it clear what’s going on! You’ll need to replace the value of the IMAGE_DIRECTORY variable as well as the hard-coded IP address, set to in the example code.

I do have one other script that essentially just kicks the Frame into the preferred art settings I like:


import os
from samsungtvws import SamsungTVWS

TV_IP = ""

tv = SamsungTVWS(host=TV_IP)
art =

art.set_slideshow_status(15) # shuffle is default
# This automatically kicks the TV into art mode if it's not currently

Which essentially just says “Go into Art mode, on a shuffle slideshow with 15 minute image-swap times”. It’s just a handy little utility script to run if I want to reset the Frame into the right setting for my living room and I’m already on my computer.


Comments? Thoughts?

John s

Hey Jon, thanks for writing this up. It’s super helpful. Can you confirm that the IP address we switch out is the IP of the frame tv? Thanks.

Jon Sully (Author)

Hey John! Yes, you’ll want to put in the IP address of the TV, but I can’t say what your particular IP address is. If you power on the TV, you should be able to find “IP Status” in the Wifi settings and that should tell you what IP address it’s using.


Awesome Jon! Thanks!


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