Turbo 8 Page Refreshes (+ Morphing) Explained at Length
Jon Sully
18 Minutes
Everything you ever wanted to know about Turbo 8's Page Refreshes, Morphing, and its design style
I’ve spent the last several days reading, consuming, and understanding the new Turbo 8 Page Refresh (+morphing) feature as much as possible. Like tracking down breadcrumbs between various blog posts, PR descriptions, PR conversations/comments, code comments, and implementation details, there’s a lot of little details sprinkled around Github and the Basecamp blog! Individually, none of these breadcrumbs painted the full picture for me. But I think I’ve got it all sorted out in my head now, so I wanted to write this extensive post explaining how it all works, how one might design their code with this system, some of its drawbacks, and why it’s so great. This is a long one. Strap in!
Getting Started
As you’ve likely seen since you clicked on this article, Turbo 8 brings ‘Page Refresh’ events, powered by a new morphing system. I think more conversation is occurring around the latter piece (the technical means by which the HTML is updated, morphing), but the former (the new paradigm for when and how to use this new feature-set) is arguably more important to understand and less covered. I’d like to do that here.
So what does it do? There’s a few ways to answer that question. First, ‘it’ being the new ‘Page Refresh’ event, allows you to skip a lot of boilerplate setup and get real-time, Turbo-Streamed updates on many of your pages with very, very little code to worry about. This is the paramount feature of the release, not morphing. Far less code to worry about and lots of that Rails-style magic making things just work. Morphing is a neat little bit of frosting on top, but refresh events very much are the cake.
So, succinctly, Turbo 8’s Refresh Events grant us all the magic of real-time UI updates (that previously required lots of Turbo Stream code) with only a couple lines of Ruby. That’s the magic.
When Page Refreshes Occur
Alright, enough of the high-level. Let’s dig into this stuff. It’s neat, but understanding how it works and where to use it is both important and murky.
Let’s start here: Turbo 8 isn’t suddenly React 🙂. Morphing isn’t used on every page change and these magic refresh-events aren’t an overhaul of Turbo Drive. Refresh events are used in two key moments of the user/webpage lifecycle. It feels like magic, but these two moments are very understandable.
From the front-end perspective, we can essentially think of these ‘refresh events’ as triggers to refresh the page. Let’s keep it simple and ignore the morphing stuff for now — a refresh event is very simply just an event to trigger a page refresh; just like clicking the refresh button on the browser. As I mentioned, there are two moments that these refresh events get triggered. The first is when you submit a form and the back-end redirects you back to the same URL your browser is/was already viewing when you submitted the form. This is a fairly common pattern, especially if you have some kind of index page with a form to create a new object on that same page:
Or any kind of timeline interface:
In these scenarios the form POSTs the server and the server yields a redirect with a location that matches the current page path (/client/123
, for the timeline example). Turbo will recognize that the paths match and instead of triggering a traditional Turbo Drive navigation, it will trigger a Page Refresh. Both re-request the full page from the server, but the latter now uses morphing to inject new content into the existing page rather than replacing the whole <body>
as the former does.
More on that later. For now, just remember that the first way Refresh Events are triggered is when your backend redirects you to the same path that you’re already viewing.
The second moment that triggers a page refresh event is when someone else submits a form like the above examples. This is the real-time ‘magic’. When someone else changes some data on the server, the server can now automatically send a trigger to all other users looking at that page, essentially telling Turbo to execute a refresh event for them too. In practice, this looks like:
So, in simplified theory, when someone changes something, everyone involved just hits refresh on their browser. That’s basically it! Since it happens automatically for us in real time, it’s magic!
But this is also where we can realize some gains compared to the traditional Turbo Streams code that would be required to make these same kinds of real-time updates happen.
Code Complexity
Let me try to put this in perspective here. To accomplish this sort of setup with traditional Turbo Streams and broadcasting, we’d need several lines of code in our models to queue up the right background broadcasts and we’d need several different view files that are aware of every chunk of markup that might need to change:
<%# ~/app/views/something/update.turbo_stream.erb %> <%# Update the counter %> <%= turbo_stream.replace "message_counter", partial: "message_counter", locals: { count: @messages.length } %> <%# Update the content of the thing that some other user might've changed %> <%= turbo_stream.update "container_div" do %> <div> <%= @thing.description %> </div> <% end %> <%# Remove some previous thing %> <%= turbo_stream.remove "another_component" %>
And we’d need to coordinate and multiply all of the above by each page that we want to be real-time capable. It’s a lot!
Let’s do… none of that.
Instead, activating real-time Page Refreshes in a Rails app (assuming you already have traditional CRUD markup for the timeline I’ve mocked above) requires only need a single line of code added to the model:
# ~/app/models/conversation.rb class Conversation < ApplicationRecord broadcasts_refreshes # ... end
A single line of code added to the conversation index (the view mocked above):
<%# ~/app/views/conversations/index.html.erb %> <%= turbo_stream_from @conversation %> <%# ... %>
And a sort of global config to ‘turn on’ the page refreshes feature via meta tags in your layout:
<%# ~/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb %> <%= turbo_refresh_method_tag :morph %> <%= turbo_refresh_scroll_tag :preserve %>
That’s it. Those three changes alone fully enable all the ‘real-time magic’ that would’ve previously required a good amount of Turbo-Streams code before. Three lines of code for all users to suddenly have real-time UI updates.
And I’m not leaving things out — we don’t need our controllers to support any turbo-stream
formats, we don’t need any extra view files, etc. All the normal HTML stuff will just magically support real-time updates now.
If you’ve delved into Turbo Streams and/or broadcasting in the last couple of years, you’ll know that this saves a huge amount of time and complexity. Instead of writing Turbo Stream partials and views (each of which likely render other partials and views…) and coordinating responses in all of our controllers, we can skip all of that. This implementation is incredibly simple and easy, comparatively. Just like clicking the refresh button in your browser, everything will be updated with the new content.
But what is “Content”?
If we have a high level understanding of how this new system works and what it does, the natural next question is, where’s the right place to integrate it? How does it fit into existing systems? How do we de-mystify some of the magic and actually do the thing?
Let’s start with determining the right place to use this. You might’ve already deduced from the discussion on how it works that this new refresh event system isn’t usable everywhere. Additionally, as I mentioned above, this isn’t React — morphing itself isn’t available everywhere either. Turbo Drive navigations will still do full <body>
swaps in most places. So where do we start?
Well, let’s step back a bit. The Basecamp team, in their various demos, posts, and PRs, have talked about this system being for “content pages,” and implied that we ought to consider all of our pages carefully in determining whether or not they are content pages before activating refresh events on any given page. That’s a mouthful! What’s a ‘content page’? It’s not well defined, actually.
My suggestion is this: a ‘content page’ is any page that a user encounters where they expect something new. That’s vague, but it’s true. It’s a reflection of a user’s expectations. We’ve all used the web for long enough to have reasonable expectations about what should happen every time we click something. Any time we expect a click to traverse somewhere new, that new place is a ‘content page’. That might be clicking into an article on a blog (the article is the ‘content page’), it might be an ‘about’ page on a website. It might be clicking the “Checkout” button while looking at your cart. That checkout interface is a content page.
So, naturally, we wonder what isn’t a ‘content page’? To me, a non-content-page (or -interaction) is any interface whose use could be perceived as more of an application or intra-page interaction. Submitting a form on a page is a great example — if the response to that is simply “Thanks!”, that’s not a new content page. Paginating through a table of results may also be a non-content-page (though, depending on what the table is, how much info it reveals, and how canonically part of the page it is, it may be). If an interaction on a page yields a result that doesn’t change the canonical nature of the page, the result is itself not a new content page.
Checkout is actually a great example. This is the RailsConf 2024 “Buy your Ticket” page:
And when I clicked “Register”, I expected to go somewhere new: a place to buy a ticket. This is a content page. But when I scroll down, select one individual ticket, and hit “Continue”, I’m not expecting a whole new page:
Instead, I’d expect some kind of in-page interaction to collect more details from me, or my payment information, or something like that. Canonically, I know that I’m already on the “buy a ticket” page. I’m just working through the process of buying a ticket. And wouldn’t you know it..
Not exactly the styling I’d expect, but still an in-page interaction. This little checkout panel is not a content page of its own. This workflow is a great example of content pages vs. sub-pages. But identifying those splits in your own app isn’t always so clear.
A decent rule of thumb may actually be scroll. If a user would reasonably expect their scroll to be reset in a navigation, it’s likely that they’ve just navigated to a content page. This is exactly what I experienced above. Since the “Tickets” panel was in a card design, I expected only that card to have its markup changed when I clicked “Continue”. I got a pop-over instead, but the premise was similar. Since I expected to not have my scroll reset, it would indicate that the next view (the pop-over) is not a content page.
This is still a little hand-wavy. Let’s look at Basecamp (the company) for additional context and clarity. This new Turbo Page Refresh system was initially built for HEY’s upcoming Calendar system then demoed on Basecamp’s (the product) Card Table. Both of these are great examples of the content-page vs. not-content-page boundaries. While we haven’t seen the calendar interface yet, imagine any calendar interface: the current view, be it “today” or “this week” or “this month” is likely the content page. All of the events within that view are likely themselves small UI components with lots of interactivity (and/or edit-ability), but those elements are only ever visible or interactive when looking at the calendar view; those elements are not themselves content pages. They’re hosted on the content page:
And as you make changes to those elements, you’d likely be redirected back to the content page (e.g. update an Event and get redirected back to the Calendar zoomed to that event’s week).
The Basecamp (product) Card Table is similar. The table itself is the content page, and interacting with each card inside that table yields a redirection back to the table — back to the content page. Something like moving a card between columns illustrates this.
Basecamp (the product) likely has a simple card controller that pushes the user back to the board when the card is moved:
class Kanban::CardsController < ApplicationController #... def update @card.update! card_params redirect_to @board end end
Both of these — the calendar/event interface and the card/board interfaces illustrate the “this is the content page, this is a sub-element primarily viewed on the content page” relationship well. And as such, they’re both exact candidates for where Page Refresh events can be employed with ease.
And that’s the core of the high-level design: allow content pages to be automatically refreshed, for all users, when they, or their children, change.
Stay on the Rails!
It’s worth noting too that, even if the ‘content page’ paradigm is confusing, the actual implementation of this high-level design restricts it to only being used where a natural content page exists. Page Refreshes simply won’t fire in other cases.
We previously covered the two moments that Page Refreshes can fire, but let’s look at the first (when you’re redirected back to the same path you’re already viewing) from a different perspective. If you’re following typical back-end workflows, the only time you’d be redirected back to a page you’re already viewing is if you have one of these ‘content page’ / parent-child relationships. If you didn’t and instead had a more default “a book is viewed and edited on /books/*
and an author is viewed and edited on /authors/*
” setup, the form POSTs / PATCHes would redirect to a different view. /books/242/edit
would PATCH to /books/242
and (likely) redirect to (GET) /books/242
. Since /books/242 != /books/242/edit
, you’d get no Page Refresh event. The same holds for /authors/new
to /authors/1
. A form POST (or PATCH) redirecting back to the same path the user was already viewing tends to indicate that the parent-child relationship between the resources (where the child is canonically viewed and edited from the parent’s view) exists and is supported by the application.
We see this with our calendar example. Let’s consider the week-wide view shown above as the yielded markup from GET /calendar/weeks/33
. That markup contains the details and edit form for my event within it. If I were to make a change to the event, which I’d be doing from the calendar-level view, the form would PATCH
to /events/142821
but ultimately the server ought to respond with a redirect back to /calendar/weeks/33
since the calendar-level view is the canonical place for me to view my events.
This is the magic of Page Refreshes. They add sparkle to a workflow by simply understanding that “redirect back to what you’re already looking at” is an indicator of a workflow that can be enhanced. You can’t use the Page Refresh system outside of this workflow, but you also need not analyze every single potential-‘content-page’ in your application as to whether or not it should have Refreshes enabled — by their nature, Page Refreshes should only activate where appropriate.
…you should still go through your application and determine where to activate and use this new stuff, I’m just making the point that it has your back 😉
On Morphing
Alright, so that’s Page Refreshes. In short, it’s a system that (a) detects when you’ve been redirected back to where you already are, and (b) broadcasts little “hey refresh yourself”‘s to other clients when data changes. Let’s talk about morphing.
Morphing is the frosting on the cake that makes Page Refreshes really feasible. If we had Page Refreshes without morphing, we’d have a lot of weirdness. For instance, considering other users that receive a “hey refresh yourself” directive, they might be in the middle of typing a long comment when the refresh hits. Without morphing, Turbo would replace the entire <body>
. Bye-bye comment! 😭
The other (and perhaps more consistently annoying) issue is scroll position. Without morphing, scroll position is always reset on <body>
swap. We just discussed how this whole system is dedicated to nested (parent-child) resources.. how annoying would it be to edit a sub-resource on a page and have your scroll reset to the top of the page every time you edit that sub-resource. Imagine posting a comment at the bottom of this article and your page scroll resetting to the top of the page! This article is way too long to scroll it twice!
Morphing solves both of these issues. I won’t go into it too much since others have (see Basecamp’s great post here), but morphing is a neat way of diffing two HTML trees and only applying the differences. Since it’s not a <body>
swap and instead just individual element changes, scroll position can be retained as well. Neat stuff!
A Couple Drawbacks
Let’s finish off here with downsides. We know that Page Refreshes were built to save us time and complexity over manually building out all of our own Turbo Stream structures:
Of course, we could have achieved the same with stream actions, but that’s indeed the whole point here: not having to write those.
Jorge Manrubia, “A happier happy path in Turbo with morphing”
But we also know that layers of abstraction bring costs, too. While I haven’t seen folks mention the costs / downsides of Page Refreshes yet, we ought to. There are two, primarily: slower real-time updates, and more web traffic. Both of these costs will be best understood when comparing a true Turbo Streams broadcasted system vs. a new Page Refresh broadcasted system.
With traditional Turbo Streams, updates made by one user are propagated to other users thanks to Turbo Stream partials being rendered out in background jobs then pushed (actual HTML being sent) over websockets to other users watching that page. Two reasons why this is remarkably fast. The first is that, as mentioned, the HTML that needs to be painted into the page is contained within the websocket message. These Turbo Stream messages say “Hey append this to some container; here’s the markup div.p.span....etc
”. So the front-end doesn’t have to send out a new request to the server to get the markup after the Turbo Stream message came in. The markup is in the message. Second, Turbo doesn’t have to do any HTML tree diffing with traditional Turbo Stream messages. These messages are more declarative and specific — Turbo simply finds the target element and appends, prepends, or etc, the HTML to it. It’s fast.
In my experience, I often see traditional Turbo Stream broadcasts hit other users with updated markup before the user that made the change even gets their response fully rendered in their own browser. That is nuts! Traditional Turbo Streams are wicked fast.
Since Page Refreshes instead ping users watching a page with “hey refresh yourself”, that browser must go request the markup for that page, wait for the full page’s markup to be rendered and delivered, then wait for the morphing algorithm to figure out the diffs and apply them.
Now, is all of that really any substantial amount of time? No. For most folks and most apps we’re probably talking a difference of one hundred to a few hundred milliseconds. And since we’re talking about background real-time updates in the first place (it’s not someone waiting on a button they clicked), this simply doesn’t matter for most applications. Now, if you’re an instant-messaging / chat application where keeping the users ‘in sync’ as fast as possible, it might matter. But I think the realistic speed loss is well worth the complexity savings for almost all applications.
That leaves us with the other cost: more web traffic. With traditional Turbo Streams, the broadcast markup is rendered in, then delivered from, a background system. Our web servers don’t take on additional request load when using traditional Turbo Streams. If anything, they can actually take on less since controllers can respond with significantly less content. Page Refreshes work differently. As client browsers receive “hey refresh yourself” pings, they’ll issue a full, traditional page requests for the updated page. That’s more traffic on our web servers. Is it something to be worried about? It really depends on your app, how much you intend to use Page Refreshes, your users, and your hosting setup. Is it going to be a huge difference? Probably not. But it’s worth calling out.
Both of these drawbacks can be summed up to simply say that the Page Refresh paradigm is less efficient than going with a fully-manual Turbo Streams setup. But it’s significantly less complex. Your mileage may vary but this is a tradeoff I’m looking forward to accepting in most of the places I currently have Turbo Streams setup.
Wrap Up
This article is getting quite long so I’ll land the plane here, but hopefully you now understand now how to work with Page Refreshes, how to think about designing them into your application, and how they mesh with the object/domain design layer too. Expanding on a prior note above, I’d summarize it to say that:
Page Refresh events are a system that (a) detects when you’ve been redirected back to where you already are and morphs in any differences to your existing DOM, and (b) broadcasts little “hey refresh yourself”‘s to other clients when data changes on the server, and morphs any differences into their existing DOMs.
It’s a little less efficient than going with full-manual build-it-yourself Turbo Streams, but it saves you a lot of code complexity and developer time.
In case you need them, here are several references / breadcrumbs I learned from along the way:
- The initial PR that started it all: hotwired/turbo#1019: “Page refreshes”
- The PR on the Rails side that added Refresh support: hotwired/turbo-rails#499: “Support for page refreshes and broadcasting”
- Jorge Manrubia’s 37signals blog post on Page Refreshes: “A happier happy path in Turbo with morphing”
- Jorge Manrubia’s 37signals blog post on Page Refresh Demo’s: “Demo of page refreshes with morphing”
- The associated repository for that demo: basecamp/turbo-8-morphing-demo (beware,
isn’t what you want) - The branch/PR on the demo repo that includes the good stuff: basecamp/turbo-8-morphing-demo#4
- The associated repository for that demo: basecamp/turbo-8-morphing-demo (beware,
- Follow-up PR that changes the matching logic for whether you’re redirect to the “same place”: hotwired/turbo#1079: “Page refreshes: Use pathname instead of href to detect if locations are equal”
- PR that refactored the meta tags and how they’re layered / stacked (I didn’t cover this much): hotwired/turbo-rails#542: “Separate turbo meta tag generation from provides”
- Issue that captures potential problems with other JS libraries that generate HTML in the DOM: hotwired/turbo#1083: “Morphing: Changes from JS libs that mutate the DOM are lost”
- PR that potentially fixes that issue: hotwired/turbo#1083: “Introduce
and re-purposeturbo:morph
- PR that potentially fixes that issue: hotwired/turbo#1083: “Introduce
- Evil Martians’ fantastic blog post on how Turbo might do Morphing before Turbo 8 / Page Refreshes were announced. None of the technical bits in this are actually related / involved in the actual Turbo 8 / Page Refresh implementation, and it’s focused a lot more on morphing as a strategy and tool than Page Refreshes as a distributed real-time mechanism, but it does have some great insights and perspectives that are worth a read. Just think of it as an experiment from before the actual Turbo 8 was released: “The future of full-stack Rails: Turbo Morph Drive”.
Hey! 👋 Jon here. Are you stuck on something and found this article in hopes of an answer?
If you'd prefer, we can just pair on it! I do a ton of pair programming and would love to help you too.
Comments? Thoughts?
Bert Hajee
This is a well-written piece. I was searching for the trade-offs of using the page refresh and couldn’t find any mention of them before I saw this article. In addition to explaining how it works and when to use it, your article does a great job of addressing this. Thank you!
Jon Sully (Author)
Thanks Bert, really appreciate the feedback 🙂
I agree — I don’t think anyone has mentioned drawbacks or tradeoffs compared to other approaches yet. Hopefully this article adds transparency to the community!
David Alejandro
Just want to mention that https://github.com/hotwired/turbo-rails/pull/542 was reverted.
Borja Garcia de Vinuesa
Hey Jon. Thanks a lot for taking the time to go deep on this. These are the pieces that help everyone out when the documentation is still not there. Just to point something out, I think you might have missed a “not” in the following sentence: “Well, let’s step back a bit. The Basecamp team, in their various demos, posts, and PRs, have talked about this system being for “content pages,…”
I’m guessing you wanted to say:
“this system not being for “content pages,…”
Jon Sully (Author)
Hey Borja! Thanks so much for posting back and electing to highlight a possible typo! Really appreciate that.
I think that sentence is correct though — “The BC team .. have talked about this system being for ‘content pages’ and implied that we should consider whether or not our pages are content pages before activating page refreshes on them”. Which I think is right — the Page Refresh system is made for content pages.
Does that track or am I interpreting something wrong (which is totally possible 😅)?
Keith Schacht
Hi Jon, thanks a ton for this write-up. I’ve started using the new Turbo 8 morphing and I was really confused as to why it was doing morphing in some cases but not in others. Your article finally clarified it for me. The key point was:
/books/242/edit would PATCH to /books/242 and (likely) redirect to (GET) /books/242. Since /books/242 != /books/242/edit, you’d get no Page Refresh event.
In my case, I refactored the routes to make them a bit cleaner and Page Refreshing stopped working. I couldn’t figure out why! It really feels like we need a mechanism to use the Page Refresh action even when the redirected URL doesn’t match the original. Did you find any mention of this in the code or the documentation? I’ve looked quite a lot and have not found any place it’s been considered.
Keith Schacht
Jon, I had the same confusion as Borja and re-read those two paragraphs three times since I wasn’t following your train of thought. What’s confusing is that you say Page Refresh is for content pages but then the examples you walk through seem reversed. You describe content pages as navigating to an About page and a non-content page is clicking Checkout or “Continue” on your shopping cart example.
But navigating to the “About” page is an example of when you would NOT use a Page refresh and the shopping cart example is an example of when you would. So something still seems backwards in your writing. In the end, I figured it out, but it was hard to track.
Adam McCrea
Just curious if this comment form itself ✨ uses morphing ✨
Jon Sully (Author)
Oh it does 😏
Mateusz Juraszek
Thanks a lot Jon for the article. I feel I understand the page refreshes much better now.
Keith you can use broadcast_refresh_to method to programmatically send page refresh to whoever listens to a stream. Jon I think you might want to extend the article by this third option to trigger page refreshes.