The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

Oh yeah, I read it again. A little over a year since the first time through, I just needed a refresher of that good, good slowness. JMC has such a wonderful way of intertwining real-world productivity stuff (e.g. slowness, focus, and intentionality) with spiritual truths and Jesus’y stuff. Comer’s the only author I’ve found that writes on how the two overlap. It’s so good.

A worthwhile repeat on this one. And, ironically, finished it while Kalika and I did our first real Sabbath (as suggested in the book). It was sweet. The book was sweet. It’s all just really, really good stuff.

This is one of those books that’s on my display shelf as “these are my book recommendations to my friends, PLEASE READ THEM THEY’RE SO GOOD FOR THE SOUL”. 🙂