Sully Shoots 2023-2024
FYI: This pics feed has been deprecated and is no longer in use or updated. Please read “…back to Facebook (!?)”
March 16th 2024
A Walk in the Park
Oh spring is in the air! Warmer temps, bright sunshine, and post-rain dampness everywhere! I couldn’t help but take a leisurely ride up to Galena to finally get a peek at a new walking trail I’ve been waiting to see for myself!
A recent storm had torn up the forest (and flooded it) but made for some neat contrasts and shadows!
I chuckled as I snapped this one. “Might of a tree”:
The water was only about a foot lower than the bike trail! 😱
But those Ohio back roads are soaking in the spring sunshine!
Also, I’d never actually seen a new water tower being built. Had no idea this is how they do it! Fascinating.
And finally, one last shot of Kalika’s new truck since the colors were reflecting off the red just right…
March 15th 2024
Spring Lights
After a particularly cold and stormy evening we rose to a bright, prominent sunshine. The contrast in temperature combined with a contrast in light lead to these neat shots of our string lights covered in soft water droplets, surrounded by a sweet spring palette of colors. Nice 😊
March 13th 2024
Volleyballing On!
Our last match at our Wednesday-evenings indoor-league before the tournament next week! Our team played really well, actually! Trying to play consistently with the same composition of people seems like it’s starting to pay off!
We finished off the normal season with a W and all headed to get a little after-volleyball dinner at Bru Burger to celebrate. I ordered a Breakfast Stout and they brought me this All Day IPA. I didn’t end up drinking it, but it made for a neat shot!
March 9th 2024
One of our goals for this year is to figure out what to do with our back patio space and purchase some things to go on it. You know, like… chairs? We started with string lights from the house out to the tree stump 🙂. We had it chopped off at about that height specifically to do something neat like this with it! It turned out so nice!
In general the patio still needs some cleanup and work, but we’re happy with how these lights turned out!
March 7th 2024
My wife loves me and makes very tasty breakfast 😋😋. My my, how she’s lifted me out of my simple bowl-of-cereal primitivity ☺️.
March 4th 2024
We’re a simple people. When it’s warm, we go outside. Bike, walk; doesn’t matter. A long stroll to uptown is just what the Vitamin D(octor) ordered. Sprinkles, too, of course.
The color palette of these early spring days is so lovely. The gentle pastels of “it’s not quite warm yet, but it’s warm enough.”
March 3rd 2024
Jeni’s & Yuba
After a lovely church service and with the weather staying unusually warm, we kept up the peaceful exploration from yesterday. Easton, this time! And.. perhaps more ice cream was consumed. We… both really like ice cream. Just… it’s fine.
Then we finished the evening off with a bike ride around Westerville on the ol’ Yuba! Cargo bike season is coming back 😍. First, out to Hoover to capture the last rays of the days’s sun…
Then over to uptown to sit for a while in its charm ☺️
March 2nd 2024
A day around town.
It was one of those rare Saturdays where the calendar was… wide open! We took the opportunity to just get out and walk around 🙂 we started with heading down to German Village. It’d been a while and we always love visiting Schiller Park for a good walk! Naturally, we found our way to Winans 😏
I should’ve taken a bigger picture but the shop was a little busy. This bunny was about 4ft tall. If it was solid, I probably would’ve bought it.
Kalika had read good things about Brown Bag Deli, so we decided to stop in and find out for ourselves!
Yeah, the sandwiches are fantastic. Food prices feel kind of wild these days after a few years of inflation, but they crush the quality and flavor!
Then we just drove up High street. Slow and peaceful — no need for the highway today. And, after all these years, having never visited, we finally stopped at Ritzy’s. The coolest diner in Clintonville.
Ice cream may have been had.
And, lest we be totally to ourselves all day, we topped the day off with some friends and board games. It was peaceful, joyous, and a lovely day.
February 27th 2024
Have I mentioned that my favorite food group of all time is frozen custard? Does that qualify? It’s fine. Everything’s fine. What’s keto, anyway? 👀
February 25th 2024
A very cute gift from a friend on our worship team at Faith Life… let the “Awwwww”s commence! 😅
February 24th 2024
Up close and personal tickets to Elevation Worship at the Schott?! Yes, please! What a great, worshipful show. This was so neat!!
February 24th 2024
Just some pizza and cute pictures! Another casual Saturday 😅
Loving this picture so much! One of those ‘hand your camera to someone’ and leave it in just-click-the-button mode… and these beautiful colors come out! ☺️ Love Fuji.
February 23rd 2024
Just spending some time with the fam ☺️
Kaila made some killer peanut-butter no-bakes!
February 20th 2024
Had a little get-together as a “birthday party” but surprised all of our friends with the news! What a cute game put together to surprise everyone 🥲
February 19th 2024
It’s a… rough time of year 😂
February 16th 2024
Dear Parents….. Surprise? 😅😁 Coming soon!
February 15th 2024
My parents came into town to see Nickel Creek with us down at OSU! Oh man. What an INSANE show. Unbelievable playing and musicianship. My brain melted.
PS. Dave’s Hot Chicken? 🔥 SO GOOD.
February 14th 2024
So… Kalika has always wanted a truck. Something bigger and fun to drive, something that sits a bit higher on the road so she doesn’t constantly have headlights in her face. Something that could move kids around one day!
I found her that truck and surprised her with it on Valentine’s day ☺️ Welcome tot Tacoma life! Key wrapped around a rose was the final touch ✨
… 👀 now I want a truck….
February 5th 2024
Just a bunch of married couples getting together to celebrate a new marriage! Excited for you, Josiah and Isabel! 🎉💍
December 23rd 2023
Our friends gave us a fun and thoughtful Christmas gift! Chocolate! (My favorite) But not just any chocolate. Chocolate that was formed and crafted to look exactly like my camera! 😂 Very literally, this emoji: 📷.
Tell you what, too — that was a solid brick. No hollow molds here.
Can confirm: very tasty 😋
December 22nd 2023
A little pre-Christmas gathering with friends to celebrate both Christ’s and another friend’s birthday! I made a special brownie in a small cast-iron with a massive, ½ pound Reese’s peanut butter cup in the middle. It melted to perfection in the middle of the brownie! This was amazing.
Just before the heat…
A little rise in the oven….
And ohhhhh boy. A giant, brownie-surrounded, peanut butter cup concoction! 😍
December 11th 2023
Well, it’s been a long work-in-progress… and it’s not done by any means. But I’ve been working on putting a 72V battery together for a fat-tire electric conversion I’ve had in the works for several months. The battery isn’t done and had issues when it arrived from the builder (so the saga continues..) but I wanted to share some pictures!
December 10th 2023
What an honor. I was asked to play lead/electric guitar for this year’s Christmas production at Vista Community Church. Honestly it was way bigger than I expected and required more preparation than most events, but it was so worth it. Just a beautiful, huge production. I only shot a few snaps between shows/songs.
December 2nd 2023
Friendsgiving! The first year of (hopefully) many! Everyone brought food, we handled the turkey and ham, and laughter was found by all. Same thing next year, friends?
November 18th 2023
Amber and Matt got married! We were there! We witnessed! Yay love!
November 14th 2023
We capped off Real Life with a night at Top Golf! We had several folks that’d never been before but everyone loved it. Also (and, you see the trend here), great food 😁
November 13th 2023
Agent Pronto’s annual Real Life gathering found itself in Nashville! One of my very favorite parts of these trips is my mornings. I continue to wake up at 5:20am each day. Since the rest of the team doesn’t rise until later, I instead visit a new coffee-shop every morning. I get a few hours of peaceful zen, tasty chai lattes, and dialed in focus-work time.
But outside of that and normal work hours, there was just a lot of friends sharing stories, good foods, and neat events!
And, as it were, one cannot visit Nashville without at least taking a stroll down Broadway.
Yes, it’s the same as always 🙂
November 11th 2023
Leaf Crew.
Fall is quickly turning (pun intended) from my favorite season to my least favorite season as the weight of responsibility falls on my shoulders! What responsibility? Leaves. So many leaves. And there’s always more. 🍂
November 1st 2023
Three years! And we were once again able to convince our wedding photographer to come hang out with us for an anniversary shoot! She’s the best: Ashleigh Grzybowski.
October 16th 2023
With our three year anniversary only one day out, we took a trip down to German Village in the early morning to get breakfast at Fox in the Snow and walk around Schiller Park — an homage to one of our first dates ☺️
October 6th 2023
And, like I said, it wouldn’t be a work trip without great food!
Mini Vermonster? Pfft.
October 4th 2023
We took one morning of the trip to do a sunrise hike up into the Rockies and were not disappointed with the views. The reds and oranges of the sunrise over the city were something else.
And check out this neat little mountain-guide map at the top of the hike! The pins represent the mountains in the distance — they’re telling you where to look!
October 3rd 2023
The dev team at Agent Pronto took to Boulder for a week of nerding-out over code and a conference (which I had the pleasure of speaking at)! Of course the trip began with airplanes and great food. And mountains in the background — this is Colorado!
September 30th 2023
I was leaving for a trip the next day, so we decided to have a little date-day down at Wolf’s Ridge for their tenth anniversary event. Unbelievably good stouts. Their tenth anniversary imperial stout blend was, and continues to be, awesome (yes we bought some to take home) (yes we will probably buy more).
September 27th 2023
I made a friend outside in our flowers. He was kind enough to let me photograph him ☺️ buzz buzz
August 3rd 2023
It’d been years. But I finally made it back to THE Ohio State Fair. I finally, finally, got my bucket of cookies.
Well. Sort of. I decided on moderation in the last moment instead and settled for a cup of cookies. Close enough!
July 23rd 2023
Visit Joel and Amanda in Minneapolis? Couldn’t do that without a West Coast Swing dance class! I mean, I wish we could. But we apparently could not…
At least it was made better by an Irish pub visit soon after ☺️
June 10th 2023
While visiting Asheville for a conference we took some time to see the Blue Ridge Mountains properly — on the Blue Ridge Parkway!
May 27th 2023
Suffice it to say… she said yes 🙂
May 26th 2023
We visited Richmond, VA for a surprise proposal while Kaila and Avery were in school… but first, reunion and food!
And don’t forget a gorgeous sunset…
April 20th 2023
The spring flowers are in full bloom! Couldn’t help but capture some of the colors…
April 14th 2023
A very musical day! Starting with recording tracks for a new Open Heaven song (Faith Life Church) then going straight down to Hocking Hills Lodge to play for Vista Community Church’s worship retreat!
April 7th 2023
Just a little game night with some friends ☺️
April 1st 2023
A few more bird shots from the last couple of weeks with the long lens to share! It’s really neat being able to get them this close while being 30-40 yards away. Wild.
March 9th 2023
Spring volleyball is in full swing! We’re.. not great. But getting better!
March 8th 2023
Captured some initial shots / experiments playing with the new 150-600mm lens! The telephoto range is truly something else.
March 5th 2023
Well they made it! Team work makes the dream work, and in this case, the dream was getting to the beautiful lands of South Carolina. See y'all off yonder, Bergs!
Older shots can be found on the prior “Sully Shoots” implementation: a stand-alone website powered by Adobe that got slower as I added more images. I’ll migrate them over here at some point. See here